Description : The MI Digital Traffic Net is a directed section level net of the ARRL National Traffic System.
It meets Tue. Thurs. and Sat. at 20:00 Hrs eastern time on 3 584 KHz (Dial + Offset), USB for the purpose of passing formal written traffic into, out of the State Of Michigan and for conducting training in the use of digital emergency communications.
Net Manager: The Michigan Section Traffic Manager will nominate a net manager to the section manager.
The net manager will be responsible for:
• Day to day operation of the net
• Establishment of standard operating procedures
• Maintaining net discipline
• Assignment of net control stations
• Submission of monthly net reports to the Section Traffic Manager
• Other duties as assigned by the section traffic manager.
1. The net will use the Narrow Band Emergency Messaging System (NBEMS), which includes the FLDigi, Flmsg, Flwrap and Flarq programs as the standard for all net operations.
2. The Olivia mode with 8 tones and 500 Hz band and sweet spot (Offset) on the waterfall will be the mode for calling the net, taking check ins and keyboard to keyboard contacts.
3. MFSK32 mode will be the primary mode for passing traffic and bulletins. (Band propagation may effect the efficiency of this mode and may require that Olivia mode be used.)
4. Configuration. All net members should use the most recent versions of the NBEMS software. Software updates can be downloaded at
• Go to configuration Misc. Text capture Insure to enable detection and extraction and auto open wrap folder.
•Olivia. Set the configuration as follows: configure modem Olivia and select 500 Hz bandwidth and 8 tones, click 8 bit extended and then save.
•Go to configure ID and under Reed-Solomon ID (Rx) check only "Mark previous frequency and mode" and make sure Olivia and MFSK32 are selected as receive modes and transmit modes.
• At the start of the net the Net Control Station will send a "tune" signal for about 5 -10 seconds. To do this Click on the "tune" button on the upper right of the FLDigi screen.
Each net member will have their Olivia waterfall centered on 3.584 KHz, (Dial + Offset). and leave it there.
Adjust your rig's VFO until the received signal is centered in the 500hz band width. This way we all should be on the same frequency.
Send the following net call and preamble.
(note: The first part of the preamble could be sent in Olivia or MFSK32 depending on band conditions. and will be up to the net control to decide MFSK32 does shorten the time needed to sent the pre-net information..
...Calling all stations to the Michigan Digital Traffic Net
...This directed net meets Tuesday Thursday and Saturday at 0000 Z on or about 3.584 KHz, (Dial + Offset).
...We are a Michigan Section Level Net and are a active part of the NTS of the ARRL.
...All stations are welcome and you need not bring traffic to the net in order to check in.
...Please have your TxID/RxID turned on so you can auto-track any mode changes made during the net.
...Comments will be done via Olivia 8/500 Traffic will be handled via MFSK32 if band conditions permit.
...QNI procedures can be found at MIDTN.DDNS.NET
...NCS for this session is (Your Call) My name is (Your Name) and my QTH is (Your QTH)
...Stations not listing Traffic may leave at anytime, stations listing or taking traffic may request QNX at anytime.
..I will now standby for stations with or without traffic Call now
...Are there any relays ?
• Stations checking in should be careful not to double with others. Please listen before transmitting and space your calls. If you are short of time please let the net control know at time of check in so you can be moved to the top of the list if possible. Net control will take comments on the order you checked in. After all formal traffic is handled NCS will ask each check in for comments.
• After comments the NCS will ask for any final checkins and any further comments for net before securing the net.
The Michigan Digital Net is a work in progress so this document is meant to be changed as we learn more and more about digital communications. We welcome your input and suggestions as to how we can better run the net.